Thursday, June 2, 2016

How It's Made S14E3

Season 14 Episode 3: "Graphene / World's Smallest Car / Force Testers / Composite Cans"
Episode 341
NarratorBrooks Moore
Writers: Oisin Curran, Simon Van Vliet, Raphaël DeRome
Prod. code: 14-03
Year code: MMXVI (2016)
Other air date: Monday, May 30, 2016 (TV)

Talking Tom and Friends Minis S1E6

Season 1 Episode 6: "Part Time Job"
Episode 6
Length: 3:28
Description: Talking Tom's job in the cafeteria is exhausting, but his friends come to visit him and cheer him up.

Sourced from Talking Ginger

Talking Angela's DIY - Natural Beauty Tips 2

Talking Angela's DIY - Natural Beauty Tips 2
Length: 2:20
Description: I never get tired of all things beauty. But lately I'm super into natural DIY beauty remedies. And because sharing is caring... here you go! A NEW beauty video!
Find out how to create your own homemade deodorant and a natural face mask that'll give you silky smooth skin, and tips on how to soften your lips and whiten your teeth with baking soda.

© 2010–2016 Outfit7 Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Talking Angela - Subscribe
Talking Tom and Friends: The Series - Watch NOW
Watch my other videos [Bloopers and Fails (May 19, 2016)]

Talking Tom and Friends S2E9

Season 2 Episode 9: "Friends Forever"
Episode 35
Length: 11:10
Description: Talking Tom has to decide between breaking Talking Angela's friendship bracelet and saving his friends. What will he choose?