Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic (TPB)

My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic (TPB)
DescriptionFIENDship is Magic explores the secret origins of Equestria's greatest villains: Sombra, Tirek, the Sirens, Nightmare Moon, and Queen Chrysalis!

Written by: Jeremy Whitley, Christina Rice, Ted Anderson, Heather Nuhfer, and Katie Cook
Art by: Brenda Hickey, Tony Fleecs, Agnes Garbowska, and Andy Price
Colors by: Heather Breckel and Agnes Garbowska
Color assist by: Lauren Perry
Letters by: Neil Uyetake
Series edits by: Bobby Curnow
Cover by: Amy Mebberson
Collection edits by: Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon
Collection design by: Thom Zahler

1: Sombra (Issue #1 (Apr 2015))
2: Tirek (Issue #2 (Apr 2015))
3: Sirens (Issue #3 (Apr 2015))
4: Nightmare Moon (Issue #4 (Apr 2015))
5: Queen Chrysalis (Issue #5 (Apr 2015))