Saturday, December 14, 2024

How the Universe Works - The Essentiality of Black Holes

Length: 9:05
Description: Black holes have a reputation as the bullies of the cosmos, but are they really so bad? They're incredibly powerful objects that can rip planets to shreds, but they're also essential to the universe. New discoveries reveal that black holes come in all sizes, from the very microscopic to the ultra-massive. And, the latest science is helping experts see black holes in a new way: that they can give birth to stars, build galaxies, and may have even lit up the dark infant universe.

Mr. Bean - Bean & Teddy on Vacation

Length: 20:37
Description: Mr. Bean takes Teddy on holiday to the seaside, but a spoiled little girl there wants Teddy all to herself. The girl and her intimidating father ultimately nab Teddy. Bean chases them to the carnival and has some struggles trying to get Teddy back.

Science Channel - 2025: Future Living

Length: 23:11
Description: In this Science Channel documentary, 2025: Future Living predicted how technology would evolve by year 2025, featuring a fictional family's life. This documentary predicted features like tele-immersion (3D video calls), wearable computers, space hotels, smart home computers, robot assistants, and more.
Watch to see how many of these predictions from 2002 came true!