Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Little Pony: Friends Forever #15

#15: Applejack & Mayor Mare
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Synopsis: After getting an erroneous citation, Applejack goes to Ponyville City Hall to set things right! She soon finds herself swept up in the chaos of city government thanks to none other than Mayor Mare! Will Applejack be able to escape with her sanity intact?
Bullet point:
• Ponyville City Hall can't be that crazy...can it??

Written by: Bobby Curnow (Micro-Series #6)
Art by: Brenda Hickey
Colors by: Heather Breckel
Letters by: Neil Uyetake
Edits by: Bobby Curnow
Special thanks to Erin Comella, Robert Fewkes, Joe Furfaro, Heather Hopkins, Pat Jarret, Ed Lane, Brian Lenard, Marissa Mansolillo, Donna Tobin, Michael Vogel, and Michael Kelly for their invaluable assistance.

Cover by Amy Mebberson

• Regular Cover, art by Amy Mebberson
• Subscription Cover, art by Brenda Hickey

#16 Regular Cover, art by Amy Mebberson
My Little Pony: Friends Forever | NEXT MONTH: ISSUE #16 (May 2015)