Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic #5

#5: Queen Chrysalis
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
#5 of the 5 Week Event
Synopsis: The ponies visit the imprisoned Chrysalis... what secrets is she hiding?
Bullet point:
• Sets the stage for a future MLP story-arc!

Written by: Katie Cook (Friendship is Magic #1)
Art by: Andy Price (Friendship is Magic #1)
Colors by: Heather Breckel
Letters by: Neil Uyetake
Edits by: Bobby Curnow
Special thanks to Erin Comella, Robert Fewkes, Joe Furfaro, Heather Hopkins, Pat Jarret, Ed Lane, Brian Lenard, Marissa Mansolillo, Donna Tobin, Michael Vogel, and Michael Kelly for their invaluable assistance.

Cover by Amy Mebberson

• Regular Cover, art by Amy Mebberson
• Subscription Cover, art by Sara Richard

The End?

Unused promotion ad:
Friendship is Magic #30 Cover A, art by Agnes Garbowska
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | NEXT MONTH: ISSUE #30 (May 2015)