Wednesday, January 25, 2017

My Little Pony: Friends Forever #36

#36: Rainbow Dash & Soarin
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Synopsis: Rainbow Dash travels to a remote and dangerous location and finds her fellow Wonderbolt, Soarin, is about to undertake a dangerous mission. Will Dash be able to get over her ego to help her fellow Pegasus?
Bullet point:
• Variant cover by Low Zi Rong!

Written by: Christina Rice
Art by: Tony Fleecs
Colors by: Heather Breckel
Letters by: Neil Uyetake
Edits by: Bobby Curnow
Publisher: Ted Adams
Special thanks to Meghan McCarthy, Eliza Hart, Ed Lane, Beth Artale, and Michael Kelly.

Cover by Tony Fleecs

• Regular Cover, art by Tony Fleecs
• Subscription Cover, art by Sara Richard
• Retailer Incentive Cover, art by Low Zi Rong


#37 Regular Cover, art by Tony Fleecs
My Little Pony: Friends Forever | NEXT MONTH: ISSUE #37 (Feb 2017)