Thursday, March 9, 2017

My Little Pony Game - 3.4.0

My Little Pony Game - 3.4.0

Stranger Than Fan Fiction

Hungry for adventure? Daring Do is rushing to your Equestria with a new Mega Event based on the exciting "Stranger than Fan Fiction" episode from the show. Uncover ancient mysteries and become a true treasure hunter!

NEW CHARACTERS: Explore new friendships with Quibble Pants, Muffins, and other fans from the convention. You may even have a run-in with the nefarious Dr. Caballeron and his goons!

NEW BUILDINGS: Build your own Temple of Chicomoztoc and Caballeron's Camp.

NEW DECOR: Add cool decorations, including the awesome Sapphire Stand and the frightening Cipactli to plunge yourself into the adventure!

But hurry! Wait too long and all this cool stuff will become just a work of fiction...