Wednesday, September 5, 2018

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #70

#70: Extreme Bingo
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Synopsis: Rainbow Dash decides the elderly ponies of the retirement village could use some more excitement in their lives. So she invents EXTREME BINGO! What could go wrong?
Bullet point:
• A touching tale of crossing the generational divide!

Written by: Jeremy Whitley
Art by: Toni Kuusisto
Colors by: Heather Breckel
Letters by: Neil Uyetake
Edit assists by: Megan Brown (debut)
Edits by: Bobby Curnow
Publisher: Greg Goldstein
Special thanks to Meghan McCarthy, Eliza Hart, Ed Lane, Beth Artale, and Michael Kelly.

Cover by Toni Kuusisto

• Cover A, art by Toni Kuusisto
• Cover B, art by Sara Richard
• Cover RI, art by Magdalene Calbraith

The End!

#71 Cover A, art by Andy Price
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | NEXT MONTH: ISSUE #71 (Oct 2018)