Wednesday, March 25, 2020

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #88

#88: The Draytona Breach - Part 2
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Synopsis: The conclusion of Ted Anderson's exciting two-part adventure is here!

The Draytona Breach has begun! Big McIntosh and Silver Streak are racing to determine the fate of their friendship; Rainbow Dash is racing to prove herself (again!); and Sacks Roamer is racing to retrieve his stolen goods in order to get them across the Yakyakistani border! Who's going to come out on top?
Bullet point:
Retailer incentives:
◦ Order 10 copies and get one free variant cover by Yancey Labat!

Written by: Ted Anderson
Art by: Tony Fleecs
Colors by: Heather Breckel
Letters by: Neil Uyetake
Edits by: Megan Brown
Editorial assists by: Natalie Waltz (debut)
Group editor: Bobby Curnow
Special thanks to Tayla Reo, Ed Lane, Beth Artale, and Michael Kelly.

cover by Tony Fleecs

• Cover A, art by Tony Fleecs
• Cover B, art by Sara Richard
• Cover RI, art by Yancey Labat
• Wondercon Exclusive Cover, art by Tony Fleecs


#89 Cover A, art by Andy Price
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | NEXT MONTH: ISSUE #89 (Apr 2020)