Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Outfit7 Helps Build a Playground

Outfit7 has been donated to help build a new playground! See below for more.

Every child has the right to play. But sometimes families need a little extra help to access great equipment and facilities. Recently, we had the chance to do just that. We joined forces with Mladinsko Letovišče Debeli Rtič, a youth center in Slovenia. Every year, it does amazing work – providing thousands of children in need with a safe place to play. 

In addition to our donation to help build a new playground, volunteers from Outfit7 went to Debeli Rtič to help the team there bring it to life

It’s important to give back to our communities whenever and wherever we can. And it was a privilege to help Mladinsko Letovišče Debeli Rtič with their incredible mission.