Monday, June 27, 2022

Outfit7 - The Making of Mythic Legends

Want to know the details of making Mythic Legends? Check them out below!

Our latest game is a strategy RPG for the mobile platform called Mythic Legends. Making the game, we were inspired by some of our favorite elements in RPGs, strategy games, mobile RTS, and auto chess – but what we created was something entirely new. It’s part of our ongoing commitment to our players. We’re delivering on our promise to keep creating new worlds of fun and expanding our games portfolio into new segments. This release marks the start of an exciting new era for us as a company, and for the strategy RPG genre as a whole. 

The challenge of many strategy games is that they often require players to spend hours getting up to speed with what’s going on. But that’s just not how you want to play on mobile. We tackled this challenge in two ways.

First, we made session times shorter and more flexible. You see, on mobile, you don’t want to have to sit there and play for an hour to make any progress. But that doesn’t mean you should miss out on really great content. We used asynchronous multiplayer mechanics in Mythic Legends that mean you can jump in and out of battles whenever you want. You can play for a bit, go away and do something else, and then come back and pick up the adventure again. And all without losing your progress! 

Secondly, we paid a lot of attention to how we would pull people into the game and explain things to them gradually. We wanted it to be simple for them to pick up and start playing right away, but hard to master. So when you come into the game, you’re faced with a few strategic decisions – and as you play more and the strategy gets more compelling and more complex, you get pulled in deeper. All the while, you’re unlocking more content and you get rewarded each time you play. There’s always something new to get, to do, to upgrade, and new enemies to battle. And because of all of this, there’s something that will appeal to loads of different types of gamers. 

You don’t have to be a hardcore gamer to enjoy playing the tournaments and putting together battles. And you don’t have to be a casual player to make the most of the shorter session times and easy progression. It’s fun for everyone – and the way it’s designed means that it’s accessible and compelling to learn. 

You start out by picking a Legend and a Champion, and then you head to the Battle Board to fight! As you move on in the game, you boost and upgrade your characters, you build bigger armies, and you come up with epic strategies. It’s all about action-packed multiplayer battles, constant progression, lots of rewards, and incredibly powerful heroes. Ultimately, you play to see if you’ve got what it takes to be… Mythic Legends!