Thursday, July 21, 2022

Talking Tom & Friends - Unexpected Heroes!

😯 Unexpected Heroes! ⚡ NEW Talking Tom & Friends Cartoon Mix
Length: 12:52
Description: 🦸⚡ Are you ready to watch some superhero cartoons – with a difference?! 🤩

You see, sometimes heroes aren't the people you'd expect. 😯 And sometimes heroes DEFINITELY don't act the way you expect... 😅 It can be surprising. But goodness and heroism comes in all shapes and sizes! 🙌

👀 Watch and see what happens when a hero forgets the real reason why they help people and gets stuck on who gets credit. 🤦 And why it's not a good idea to take a super shortcut instead of working hard! 👍 And discover why sometimes anyone can be a hero when they take action for people they care about!

🎉 It's all here in this special collection of three full episodes from Talking Tom Heroes AND Talking Tom & Friends Minis. 🎬 It's a heroic cartoon mix! Hit ▶️ to watch now, or use the links below!

00:00 😠 The Angry Hero (Talking Tom Heroes, Season 2 Episode 2 (Feb 20, 2020)):
04:56 😎 Tom the Bodyguard (Talking Tom & Friends Minis, Season 2 Episode 22 (Dec 6, 2017)):
07:46 🩰 The Super Ballerina (Talking Tom Heroes, Season 2 Episode 1 (Feb 6, 2020)):