Friday, July 28, 2023

My Talking Tom 2 - Surprise Party!

🥳 Surprise Party! 🎉🎂 My Talking Tom 2 Gameplay
Length: 2:46
Description: Tom doesn't know it yet, but his pets are planning a surprise party for him. It's gonna be the best party EVER and you can join in, but shhh... 🤫 it's a secret. 👉

Gus needs your help blowing up balloons in the front yard. 🎈 Squeak needs you in the kitchen...he's managed to bake a huge cake, and now your job is to decorate it. 🎂 There's different colored icing, sprinkles, cookies, candies, cherries... just remember, you can never have too much of EVERYTHING! 🍪🍬🍒😋

Next, head to the bathroom, where Sugar has designed some gorgeous paper decorations, only she's too small to use scissors. 🧻🎉 That's where you can lend a hand! ✂️

And it wouldn't be a birthday party without gifts, so join Flip in the bedroom to wrap up Tom's gifts ready for the magic moment. 🎁

Want to know what happens in the backyard when the party starts? Well... it's a SURPRISE! 🤐