Showing posts with label My Little Pony (G5) (sub-series comics). Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Little Pony (G5) (sub-series comics). Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

My Little Pony: The Storm of Zephyr Heights #3

Synopsis: As Equestria's catastrophic weather tears apart the kingdom, Princess Zipp and her Mane 6 friends discover the source of the chaos...and meet a favorite Friendship is Magic pony?!

Princesses Zipp and Pipp must work together to quell the dangers of Cloudsdale as Izzy and Hitch take flight in the Zeppelin, set on protecting their kingdom and their friends.

In this climactic end of the Zephyr Heights saga, secrets of the past are revealed, friendships are strengthened, and a new leader finds their way to power! A must-read for Pony fans!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

MLP: Kenbucky Roller Derby (TPB)

My Little Pony: Kenbucky Roller Derby (TPB)

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

My Little Pony: The Storm of Zephyr Heights #2

Synopsis: The world of Generation 4 collides with the ponies of Generation 5 as Cloudsdale threatens to crash into Zephyr Heights and cause an eternal winter! Only Princess Zipp and her Mane 6 friends can stop the kingdom from falling (literally)!

After the torrential winds and snow force the Pegasi to seek refuge in the castle, our heroes split up to solve this raging mystery! As Princess Zipp and the other flyers push forward to find the cause of the storm, the grounded ponies discover an airborne relic of the past in need of a little rescue!

As their discoveries push our characters closer together, they also trigger more questions about the past...and the ponies' futures!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

My Little Pony: The Storm of Zephyr Heights #1

Synopsis: The story begins in #1 and continues in two epic, oversized issues! A must-read for Friendship is Magic fans as the world of Generation 4 collides with the ponies of Generation 5.

A storm's a-brewing in Zephyr Heights! For the first time in forever, Queen Haven is taking a vacation, which means Princess Zipp is in charge! And while the queen is away, the Mane 6 will play. But the forecast for the substitute queen's reign is not looking good...

A mass of clouds the size of a city is wreaking havoc on Zephyr Heights... It's hailing, it's snowing, it's raining, it's blowing wind, and all the Pegasi are in danger! The Mane 6 quickly jump into action, but it's up to Zipp to save her kingdom. Her bravery may just lead to the discovery of a lifetime...and bridge the world between the past and present.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

My Little Pony: Maretime Mysteries #4

Synopsis: A dark force looms over Maretime Bay despite Misty and her friends solving each of the ghost's riddles! What is going on, and who is this mysterious spirit from the board game? The answer may prove to be hauntingly relatable to Misty, but can she take on the final challenge to save her friends and Equestria in time? Find out in the grand finale to Maretime Mysteries!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My Little Pony: Set Your Sail #5

Synopsis: LAND HO! Er...THE END OF THE SERIES HO! When Pipp and Izzy set sail for their underwater adventure, they hoped for smooth waters, but the seven seas are falling apart! Queen Calla Lily has been hoarding stolen power, and until the seven anchors are returned to their rightful kingdoms, all ponykind, under the sea and on land, is at risk. Luckily, a swashbuckling crew of pirates have recruited Princess Pipp and her besties to save everypony. With the Mane 6 at the helm, nothing can stand in their way!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

My Little Pony: Maretime Mysteries #3

Synopsis: Now that they've tracked down the mysterious object used to cast the spell over Maretime Bay, Misty and her friends take on the board game ghoul's next challenge: solve the riddle to uncover the object's origin and break the enchantment! But the sand that once filled the mischievous spirit's hourglass is running scary low... Can Misty, Sunny, Hitch, and Sparky find the place "where history's secrets hide and tales of old reside" and save their home when time is not on their side?!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

My Little Pony: Set Your Sail #4

Synopsis: Despite what the songs say, everything is not better under the sea! The flowers are leaking green ooze, the food is filled with sand, and the coral is dying. The water is growing more treacherous, and it's up to the newly seaponyfied Mane 6 and their ragtag group of pirates (and princesses) to get to the bottom of things, even if that means exploring the dark trenches everypony fears. The barnacle-covered truth of the Sparkling Sea is soon to be revealed.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

My Little Pony: Maretime Mysteries #2

Synopsis: Gloomy critters, floating objects, and, ugh, no cell service?! Something's ahoof, all right. Maretime Mysteries is no ordinary board game. It's home to a spirit who's cast a spell over Maretime Bay, and the only way to get rid of it is to play! For the first puzzle, Misty, Sunny, Hitch, and Sparky put on their detective hats and search every nook and cranny for the magical item used to cast the enchantment.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

My Little Pony: Set Your Sail #3

Synopsis: Ah, another beautiful day in the Sparkling Sea—krrzzhh— Ahoy there, squids and scoundrels! Pull up a clamshell and listen to our tale of captured princ—krrzzhh

Ahem, sorry about that, everypony. It seems our solicit was interrupted by some sort of pirate radio signal... Whoever that was definitely wasn't going to say anything about a captured princess. Nope. Everything is toootally fine under the Sparkling Sea. Princess Pipp Petals is on a super-standard diplomatic mission, and any meddling princess sisters do not need to worry about her whereabouts or the crumbling coral around the palace. Please enjoy this completely not suspicious comic!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

My Little Pony: Kenbucky Roller Derby #5

Synopsis: Skates? Check! Helmet? Check! Knee pads? Check! The Mane 6 have been training for the Kenbucky Roller Derby for... Well, probably not as long as they should have... And it's finally here! The team just found their rhythm, and they're ready to block, dip, and jam, but the competition is tough. Sunny is going to have to coach like she's never coached before, bout after bout, if they hope to make it to the final!

Writer: Casey Gilly
Artist: Natalie Haines

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

My Little Pony: Maretime Mysteries #1

Synopsis: Roll the dice and embrace the spirit of adventure with Misty in this spellbinding new four-issue mystery miniseries!

When Misty happens upon an old board game said to be inspired by real-life Maretime Bay mysteries, she can't think of a more exciting way to learn about her new home than a cozy night of gaming with Sunny, Hitch, and Sparky. But when the game comes to life and expands its borders beyond the board, Misty and her friends will need all hooves on deck if they're to win the game and lift an enchantment placed on the real Maretime Bay. So much for a cozy night in!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

My Little Pony: Set Your Sail #2

FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Synopsis: Pipp was totally salty about being sent to the seven seas for princess duties, so when Zipp receives an oddly chipper message from her sister, Zipp is more suspicious than a clownfish in a clamshell. She takes matters into her own hooves—er, fins and travels to the Sparkling Sea where she meets Princess Anemone. The sea princess' odd behavior and Pipp's absence make Zipp wonder if she can trust the seaponies and if their sparkles are only scale-deep.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

My Little Pony: Kenbucky Roller Derby #4

FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Synopsis: Sunny has read every book about leadership, coaching roller skating, roller derby, the Kenbucky Derby, the history of the wh—well, a lot of books, but the newly formed Maretime Bay Brawlers can barely run a successful play. Pipp, hoping to boost their spirits, blasts some tunes and lowers the disco ball, and the team skates like a dream! All they needed was a bit of fun! But with the Kenbucky Derby just around the corner, Sunny doesn't have time for disco breaks.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

My Little Pony: Kenbucky Roller Derby #3

FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Synopsis: Tracy Tailspin used to be dynamite on the roller derby track. She could bean-dip with the best and grapevine with the greats, and she had the most legendary tailspin twister. But she retired at the height of her career, right after being made team captain, and nopony was ever sure why... Was it a hoof sprain? A team feud? An evil curse?! When Sunny's leadership style starts to remind Tracy of her own failed stint as captain, Tracy decides it's time to finally open up and share the story of her final days with the Dazzlebrook Dynamites.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

My Little Pony: Set Your Sail #1

FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Synopsis: Set your sail for the Seven Seas because the Seaponies are swimming into comics for the first time ever! See the Mane 6 totally transformed.

Pestering the queen into sending messages in bottles to the fabled Seapony kingdoms is just one of the many perks to having royal besties...which is exactly what Izzy has been doing ever since first reading about mythical Seaponies in Sunny's old history book. So when Queen Haven hears back from the Queen of the Sparkling Seas, Izzy is eager to dive into the adventure of a lifetime. Pipp, on the other hoof, is not excited about her princess duties or having to reschedule a new song release (plus, saltwater totally ruins her shiny mane). The voyage should be smooth sailing, but the tides are changing, a storm is brewing, and Izzy and Pipp are swimming right into it...

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

My Little Pony: Kenbucky Roller Derby #2

FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Synopsis: Give me an S! Give me a K! Give me an A! Give me a T! Give me an E! What does that spell? SKATE! Pipp is cheering her heart out from the stands, but Sunny's roller derby tryouts are...less than ideal. But Sunny created her team to give every creature an equal chance. Plus, they have the best coach in all of Equestria! The Mane 6 are going to have to pick themselves up by the skate straps if they want to have any chance of competing in the Kenbucky Roller Derby!