Showing posts with label How the Universe Works. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How the Universe Works. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2025

How the Universe Works - Artificial Intelligence: The Next Step in Our Evolution?

Length: 9:48
Description: There are billions of stars in our galaxy, with billions of planets circling them. But, as far as we know, only one planet has life: Earth. By uncovering how life conquered Earth, we may find out if life can conquer the universe. But if we're ever going to find out, humanity itself may have to evolve.

Monday, March 3, 2025

How the Universe Works - Explaining Saturn's Rings

Length: 8:00
Description: Saturn is the second-largest planet in the Solar System, featuring a complex system of rings and moons that have captivated us for centuries. But where did Saturn's rings come from? How old are they? And how exactly are they staying in place?

Thursday, February 20, 2025

How the Universe Works - Dark Matter vs. Dark Energy

Length: 8:53
Description: Since the dawn of time, two invisible forces, dark matter and dark energy, have been locked in an epic battle for control of the cosmos. At first, dark matter controlled the early universe, helping build stars, galaxies, and the cosmic web. Five billion years later, dark energy became the universe's most powerful force and will determine the fate of all creation.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

How the Universe Works - Do Multiverses Really Exist?!

Length: 9:18
Description: The Big Bang is one of science's most famous theories, but we now know it wasn't big and it wasn't a bang. While the Big Bang might have been the birth of our universe, it might have also created many universes. New discoveries reveal that it might have not been a start, but one stage in a transformation of many mysterious multiverses.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

How the Universe Works - 'Oumuamua: Our First Interstellar Visitor

Length: 8:43
Description: Interstellar space is the space between the stars, and although it once seemed empty, astronomers have since discovered it's active and full of different things. One such thing was discovered in 2017 paying a visit to our solar system, and this mysterious object left astronomers questioning and speculating what this strange visitor could possibly be.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

How the Universe Works - Nebulas: Uncovering the Cosmic Circle of Life

Length: 8:51
Description: Nebulas are some of the most beautiful cosmic structures in the entire universe, but what secrets of the cosmos do they hold? Scientists are using new technologies to pull back the veil and uncover new knowledge about these iconic celestial objects.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

How the Universe Works - The Essentiality of Black Holes

Length: 9:05
Description: Black holes have a reputation as the bullies of the cosmos, but are they really so bad? They're incredibly powerful objects that can rip planets to shreds, but they're also essential to the universe. New discoveries reveal that black holes come in all sizes, from the very microscopic to the ultra-massive. And, the latest science is helping experts see black holes in a new way: that they can give birth to stars, build galaxies, and may have even lit up the dark infant universe.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

How the Universe Works - A Long Gravitational Wave and Blast of Gamma Rays

Length: 9:41
Description: Scientists witness for the first time a collision of two neutron stars, or a kilonova.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

How the Universe Works - Spacetime: The Ultimate Cosmic Architect

Length: 9:32
Description: Space conceals a secret structure called spacetime - a tangible substance that bends, stretches, warps and twists matter into the stars and planets we see around us. In many ways, we're just along for the ride 😎.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

How the Universe Works - Understanding the Grand Tack Hypothesis

Length: 9:09
Description: According to the Grand Tack model, Jupiter's journey through our early solar system may have taken some surprising 𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣s.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

How the Universe Works - How Ice Water Survives on Mercury

Length: 8:19
Description: Despite what one might assume about the planet closest to our sun, Mercury is home to many deposits of icy water. How did this water get here, and how does it remain amongst sweltering temperature and radiation?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

How the Universe Works - Just How Old is the Milky Way Galaxy?

Length: 9:30
Description: With the use of infrared light, scientists have made shocking discoveries regarding the age of the Milky Way galaxy.

Monday, July 22, 2024

How the Universe Works - The Puzzling Natures of Neptune and Uranus

Length: 9:04
Description: Given their size and material compositions, Neptune and Uranus occupy unusual spots in our solar system - how did they get there?

Friday, July 12, 2024

How the Universe Works - A Binary Star System Turns Deadly

Length: 9:10
Description: Binary star systems, while commonplace in our known universe, have the potential to birth some of the most menacing celestial bodies around: pulsars.

Monday, July 1, 2024

How the Universe Works - The Secret Lives of Dwarf Planets

Length: 9:46
Description: Our solar system is home to many tiny worlds known as dwarf planets. Once thought to be dead lumps of rock, some research reveals they're some of the most active and exciting places in the solar system.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

How the Universe Works - Collapsed Stars and the Nonexistence of Black Holes?

Length: 8:46
Description: New discoveries are challenging everything we know about black holes, and astronomers are beginning to question if they even exist. The latest science tries to explain how they work and what they look like, despite the fact we've never actually seen one.

Monday, June 10, 2024

How the Universe Works - Small Red Dwarfs Are Home to Countless Planets

Length: 9:11
Description: Astronomers have discovered strange new planets that amaze the world of science over and over again. These new planets could not be more different from our own planet. Some of these strange worlds don't have stars, others are made out of diamonds.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How the Universe Works - Our Universe's "Dark" Secret

Length: 9:07
Description: Dark matter is one of the largest mysteries in our cosmos - ubiquitously abundant and invisible to the eye, yet it controls the fate of all that surrounds us. We know little about dark matter's composition, and what we do know only leads to more questions. Might there be a "dark" Earth after all?