Showing posts with label clip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clip. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2025

Mysteries of the Abandoned - The Abandoned Pirate Capital of Jamaica

Length: 9:20
Description: An abandoned coastal town in Jamaica has left behind imposing walls, cannons and more...but what were they protecting? And who were the people defending it? A city once steeped in indulgence and vice, its abandonment might be linked to Jamaica's geological history.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

How the Universe Works - Dark Matter vs. Dark Energy

Length: 8:53
Description: Since the dawn of time, two invisible forces, dark matter and dark energy, have been locked in an epic battle for control of the cosmos. At first, dark matter controlled the early universe, helping build stars, galaxies, and the cosmic web. Five billion years later, dark energy became the universe's most powerful force and will determine the fate of all creation.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Mysteries of the Abandoned - Secret Caves Filled with Pagan Arts and Debauchery

Length: 8:41
Description: An abandoned system of caves was once the meeting place of a secret society that worshiped Satan and performed black magic, and new discoveries at this mysterious site reveal what really happened here and why a Founding Father was a frequent guest.

What on Earth? - Most Mysterious Formations on Earth

Length: 21:00
Description: Embark on an adventure as we unravel the captivating stories behind Earth's most mysterious formations.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Mysteries of the Abandoned - Ghostly Secrets in a Haunted West Virginia Prison

Length: 9:54
Description: A haunted prison with a terrifying past once housed America's most notorious criminals, but today, the fortress stands in ruin, and experts reveal evidence of ghostly secrets hidden in the crumbling jailhouse walls.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Space's Deepest Secrets - Searching the Galaxy for Life on Other Planets

Length: 9:14
Description: Astronomers and researchers are on the hunt for the groundbreaking discovery that confirms extraterrestrial life. Using state-of-the-art technology like the Kepler telescope, scientists have examined thousands of exoplanets in search of another Earth. Is one closer than we think?

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Secrets in the Ice - Uncovering Arctic Military Secrets

Length: 30:12
Description: Secrets in the Ice uncovers startling military secrets. One clip follows the team as they investigate the mystery of ancient human skeletons discovered in a remote lake in India. Another delves into an enigmatic structure in the Arctic, raising questions about its purpose and possible link to a doomsday scenario. In an additional clip, the team examines bizarre artifacts buried in the ice, revealing their connection to ancient civilizations.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

How the Universe Works - Do Multiverses Really Exist?!

Length: 9:18
Description: The Big Bang is one of science's most famous theories, but we now know it wasn't big and it wasn't a bang. While the Big Bang might have been the birth of our universe, it might have also created many universes. New discoveries reveal that it might have not been a start, but one stage in a transformation of many mysterious multiverses.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Mysteries of the Abandoned - A Real Life Haunted Mansion

Length: 10:10
Description: This mysterious castle was once a fairytale estate, but today, the building is said to be haunted. Experts investigate the secrets of this eerie fortress and the ghostly stories that lay inside.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Space's Deepest Secrets - Does Life Exist on One of Jupiter's Moons?

Length: 8:42
Description: Scientists on the hunt for extraterrestrial life suspect that it could be found within our very own solar system. One of those places lies within Jupiter's orbit: the moon of Europa.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Mysteries of the Abandoned - This Deserted Fort Was Used to Defend a Nazi Invasion

Length: 10:05
Description: With a Nazi invasion looming during WWII, forts were built in key naval areas to protect the mainland. But could clues along the shore and inside this fort reveal even more secrets that have been hiding for decades?

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

How the Universe Works - 'Oumuamua: Our First Interstellar Visitor

Length: 8:43
Description: Interstellar space is the space between the stars, and although it once seemed empty, astronomers have since discovered it's active and full of different things. One such thing was discovered in 2017 paying a visit to our solar system, and this mysterious object left astronomers questioning and speculating what this strange visitor could possibly be.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Mysteries of the Abandoned - A Ghost Town Along a River of Gold

Length: 10:07
Description: A mysterious town in the hills of South Africa was once a booming community, but today, the eerie place is deserted; experts reveal the cataclysm that caused the people of this once-prosperous town to suddenly leave and never come back.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Mysteries of the Abandoned - The Apocalyptic-Looking Resort Ghost Town

Length: 10:18
Description: Today, desolate buildings and rusting relics sit on the edge of the Salton Sea. However, where ruins now sit, a once thriving holiday resort town once stood, attracting millions of tourists every year - including some of Hollywood's elite stars. Was this unplanned body of water that drew people in ultimately its own demise?

Monday, January 6, 2025

Space's Deepest Secrets - Apollo 13: NASA's Finest Hour

Length: 9:47
Description: Apollo 13 and its crew were following in the footsteps of previous astronauts who participated in the Apollo missions to explore our moon. When disaster struck on its journey, what could have turned into one of the worst moments in NASA's history turned into one of its greatest.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

How the Universe Works - Nebulas: Uncovering the Cosmic Circle of Life

Length: 8:51
Description: Nebulas are some of the most beautiful cosmic structures in the entire universe, but what secrets of the cosmos do they hold? Scientists are using new technologies to pull back the veil and uncover new knowledge about these iconic celestial objects.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Mysteries of the Abandoned - A City Hidden in North American Cliffs

Length: 10:17
Description: A city in the cliffs of the American Southwest was once home to tens of thousands of people, but today, the city stands deserted, and new evidence reveals answers about this unique city's history.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Space's Deepest Secrets - Is There a Ninth Planet Lurking in Our Solar System?

Length: 7:52
Description: Astronomers have been exploring the alien planets of our solar system for the last 50 years...but could it be hiding another secret?

Friday, December 20, 2024

Mysteries of the Abandoned - Nazi Germany's WWII Bakery

Length: 10:24
Description: The SS Bakery in Germany, outside of Sachsenhausen concentration camp, was not only where prisoners were forced to bake their own rations, but also to feed the swelling SS ranks in during World War II.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

How the Universe Works - The Essentiality of Black Holes

Length: 9:05
Description: Black holes have a reputation as the bullies of the cosmos, but are they really so bad? They're incredibly powerful objects that can rip planets to shreds, but they're also essential to the universe. New discoveries reveal that black holes come in all sizes, from the very microscopic to the ultra-massive. And, the latest science is helping experts see black holes in a new way: that they can give birth to stars, build galaxies, and may have even lit up the dark infant universe.